How to Get Payments from Marketplaces with Payoneer + 25$ Bonus

Looking for the easiest way to Get Payments from marketplaces? Yes! If you are a blogger, affiliate marketer, freelancer or like to work independently on the web, then you need to withdraw or pay online payment. Most of the cases, it’s not easy to get payment from Marketplaces like Amazon, Upwork, Fiverr, etc. especially if you are a citizen of Bangladesh, India or Pakistan. So you need to manage payment processing service/company to receive and withdraw payment from different sources.

We know that Payoneer is one of the most popular Online Payment Service Provider in the World. This is one of the fastest growing online payment processing companies which provide different online payment system to their clients with a reasonable service fee.

What is Payoneer and Why You Need It?

  • 25$ Bonus for Sign Up (You won’t get Bonus if you don’t use this link)
  • Withdraw Payment from more than 200 Countries
  • Easy to use and low service charge
  • Withdraw payment from any Mastercard® supported ATM Booth
  • Use for online shopping purpose
  • Receive payment from more than 500 Companies via Payoneer Account
  • Free US Payment Service System (Free US, Euro, GBP Bank Account To Receive Payment)
  • Withdraw Payment from PayPal, Upwork, Amazon, Freelancer, Payza etc.
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • And much more

A few days ago, I wrote a post about How to Withdraw Payments from Amazon Using Payoneer MasterCard? And now I’m going to share How to Get Free Payoneer Account with 25$ Bonus to Receive Payment from marketplaces. Just follow step by step.

Step1 to get a Free Payoneer Account:

<<Click Here to Get a Free Payoneer Account with 25$ Bonus!>>

Click This Link and You will see something like below

Click on the Sign Up Button.

(Note: Use This Link To Get 25$ Bonus, if you do not use this link during sign up, you will not get a bonus!)

Step 2:

In this stage, you need to provide valid information. You need to provide First name, Last name, E-mail Address and Date of Birth. Be careful about information, you must provide all information according to your Government ID card or Passport or Driving


In this step, you need to provide your contact address. Provide your contact address properly and clearly so that you will get the Mastercard®

(Note: For Bangladeshi people, it is better to provide a valid address of Dhaka City. If you provide a different city address then it may take a long time to arrive your card and also there is a Risk to don’t get the card.)


In this stage, you need to provide security details (Security Question and Answer) and Password. Click Next and Confirm your

After completing the Registration process, you will get a mail from

You need to upload your Government ID, Passport or Driving License Scan Copy Using the UPLOAD LINK from your mail. When uploading complete you will get a Confirmation Mail from Payoneer like

It may take 5 to 30 days to arrive your card according to your postal address.

(Note: If you are a citizen of Bangladesh or Pakistan, then you may face problems during the Registration process. After completing the registration process, you may not receive mail from Payoneer or may not log in to your Payoneer account. Don’t worry, just contact with Payoneer via Contact Us>Live Chat with Customer Support and Ask them about your problem.)

Final Step:

When you receive your Free Payoneer Debit MasterCard, you need to activate it. Just log in, your Payoneer account and click on Active Card. In this area, you need to enter your card number and need to choose a PIN number to withdraw the payment from ATM booth. Use a complex PIN Number to secure your card.

To Active US Payment Service and How to Use US Payment Service Features, Click Here.


  • You must have a National ID, Government ID, Passport or Driving License to get Account Approval
  • Contact address should be correct
  • You must verify your E-mail, so use a valid Mail ID
  • To get 25$ Bonus, You must use this Affiliate Link

8 thoughts on “How to Get Payments from Marketplaces with Payoneer + 25$ Bonus”

  1. Hi Manik,
    Thanks for the great Stuff. I Need a free Debit MasterCard and to withdraw payment from Paypal and here is the suggestion. Thanks for sharing the great post.
    I have a question, is there any condition to get 25$ bonus?

  2. Fakharuddin Manik

    Hi Tushar,
    Glad to see you here and I could help. Yes, you need to load minimum 100$ to get 25$ Bonus.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Wow, That’s great. Thanks Manik for sharing this guide for getting free payoneer card.
    Keep sharing such more stuff.

  4. Fakharuddin Manik

    Hi Kuldeep,
    Glad to see you here, Keep visiting for more tricks and tips.

  5. Hi Manik,
    Thanks for the great tutorial. All steps are well described and i’m already apply for a Payoneer MasterCard with the help of your tutorial.

  6. Fakharuddin Manik

    Hello Saiful
    Glad I could help you. Please let me know if will face any problem to receive or active your Payoneer card.

  7. Hi, thanks fr your tutorial. I really appreciate it but anyway I want to ask a question.

    About the 25$ signup bonus, how do i get it because I have created an account using your affilliate link but my current funds is 0.00$.

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