5 Blog Marketing ways to Burn Your Blog with Traffic!

Do you know?

That about 90% bloggers stuck at blog promoting. Most of them do spamming and think it’s their promotion. Not only that over 75% blogs get less than 1000 traffic per month. It’s because of their wrong blog promotion techniques.

Are you one of those failed bloggers?

If so, then read every word of this article very carefully. This article is going to reveal 5 most effective blog marketing ways that probably burn your blog with traffic.


1. Influencer outreach:

Are you familiar with influencer outreach? If not. You are missing the most important part of blog marketing. You need to find the influencers of your niche and make good communication with them. They are most likely to share your content with their potential followers and readers which will definitely drive huge traffic to your blog. Most of the people find it very difficult to reach out influencers as they don’t get any proper guideline. You can do this most effective and difficult task very easily by using a software called NinjaOutreach. This software aims to build relation with the influencers by finding them easily. You will get all necessary information of the influencers such as email, social followers, address, images etc. via NinjaOutreach. Have a try of this amazing software to burn your blog by the help of influencers.




2. Guest post:

Guest post is another great way to promote your blog with the readers of another blog in your niche. Thus you will get attention from highly targeted visitors of your niche. Don’t post just to get backlink, try your best to grab attention from the readers. A single post can end up with 100’s of targeted and permanent readers. So, while making guest post take care about the quality not quantity. Replace the keyword term with your niche to find out blogs in your niche that accept guest post as described below.

“Submit article” + “keyword”

“Guest post” + “keyword”

“Write for us” + “keyword”

“Be a contributor” + “keyword”

I also accept guest posts for my blog. You can try there too. 😀


3. Forum posting:

Forum posting is extremely powerful as well as easy way to bring flood of traffic to your blog. However, most of the people sucks at this stage because of following wrong road map. First rule of forum posting if never ever do spam and promote yourself. You may think how it’s possible to get traffic without promoting yourself. Mind it people come to forum just to seek help, not to see ads and promotions. Set your blog URL in signature section and start helping others, traffic will automatically start flowing. One more thing don’t be active only occasionally, stay active regularly. Some best forums are listed below:

  • http://www.warriorforum.com
  • https://www.digitalpoint.com
  • http://www.wickedfire.com
  • http://www.v7n.com/forums
  • http://www.websitebabble.com


4. Social branding:

It’s one of the most powerful way to generate 1000’s of traffic within short time. Most important factor about social branding is being active regularly. If you are not able to stay connected with your social followers regularly, you are going to lose them. Getting lots of social followers is not enough, try to engage with your follower and know their needs. Only then you can serve them well which will result in your own benefit. Arrange polls, ask question, post attractive images and reply to their question to make better engagement with your followers. I think its need less to give you a list of best social networking sites.


5. Hit the ball first:

It a simple trick for which you need to wait for the perfect time. This trick simply refers to “be the first on hot and recent topic”. Let me give you an example: ICC cricket tournament 2015 is going on right now. Suppose you have a blog on sports, make new articles on every single match and publish it right after the match or you can make videos to publish in Youtube. This trick will drive huge amount of traffic within short time and with less effort. I hope you got the point.

I hope you got all 5 points that I tried to make you understand. So what are you waiting for, go and burn your blog on fire of traffic. If you find this article helpful, please share it with your friends and let them burn their blogs too.

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  1. Ikhtiar Hossain

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