WordX Theme Review | Premium WordPress Blog Theme for Professional Bloggers

MyThemeShop just released a new theme for professional bloggers called WordX Theme to build a professional blog or an online magazine site. The theme comes with several functions and features to build a professional blog easily that can engage readers and get more page view. This is an elegant designed WP Theme which is specially designed and developed for content rich website or blog. You can show more contents with HD images which is most important to attract readers’ attention, engage them, get more page view and revenue. The fluid responsive feature of this theme will make your blog visible in any device and support all major browsers. So you can also engage mobile visitors and provide better user experience to your readers.WordX Theme Review | Premium WordPress Blog Theme for Professional Bloggers

Why WordX Theme is Perfect to Build a Professional Blog or Online Magazine?

Stunning Design

Design is the most important fact for a professional blog which helps to attract readers’ attention and engage them easily. So when you’re planning to build a professional blog with WordPress CMS, then you must choose an elegant designed theme which looks professional. The WordX Theme comes with stunning design and professional look that will help you to build your professional blog. The built-in carousel option of this theme helps to highlight every important content of your blog or magazine with HD images. This will helps to engage more visitors and get more ROI.Stunning Design

Fast Loading Theme

A professional blogger knows the importance of a blog loading time. If your blog fails to load fast, then you must lose a large number of visitors from your targeted countries. As we know that, blog loading timed depends on several factors and the theme is one of them. So you must choose a premium WordPress theme which specially optimized for speed. The WordX optimized for MyThemeShop development team so that it can load fast and provide better user experience.Fast Loading Theme

Adsense Optimized

Every blogger wants to monetize their blog using the best monetization method and Adsense is one of them. The WordX Theme optimized for Adsense and other ad network so that you can easily place ad slot anywhere in your blog and get more CTR and CPC. Using this theme, you can place ad units in header, footer, sidebar, after or before content, right side or related posts etc.Adsense Optimized

Optimized for Low Bounce Rate and SEO

Getting traffic may easy, but it is really not easy to engage them, which helps to reduce bounce rate. And we know that bounce rate is one of the important fact of SEO. The WordX specially optimized and tested for low bounce rate. Just drive traffic to your blog and engage them easily with the WordX Theme. The theme also optimized for SEO so that you can rank your blog better in SERPs and get more traffic to your blog.Optimized for Low Bounce Rate and SEO

Off-canvas Mobile Menu

The WordX comes with off-canvas mobile menu specially for mobile visitors. This will help mobile visitors navigate easily and engage them easily. When readers visit your blog from mobile or mobile like devices, the theme automatically detects them and convert the menu as off-canvas mobile menu.WordX Theme Off-canvas Mobile Menu

Powerful Option Panel

Like all other MyThemeShop Themes, the WordX Theme also comes with the powerful theme option panel. You can easily customize your blog as you want and can take control of your blog. From header to the footer, you can change anything you want on your blog from the theme option panel.Powerful Option Panel in WordX Theme

Some Other Key Features

  • 100% fluid responsive design
  • Integrated more than 590 amazing icons
  • Built with clean and secure coding language
  • Integrated social media buttons to get more social share
  • Built-in shortcodes to add more functions to your blog or magazine site
  • Custom author box with author bio and their social profile
  • Compatible with WP Mega Menu, WP Review PRO and WP Subscription box
  • Optimized for better readability with advance typography features
  • One click install and update
  • RTL and Child theme supported
  • Over 600 Google Fonts included
  • Translation ready
  • Price: $45
  • Buy the WordX Theme Here

The Verdict

It is really not easy to find an elegant designed and functional WordPress Theme to build a professional blog or magazine site. You need to choose the best one according to its design and functions. Thanks to MyThemeShop because they brings the WordX Theme which is a perfect theme to build an online magazine site or blog and will help to get more ROI.

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  1. Masuk
  2. Rohit Gaikwad
  3. Aditya

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