Top 6 Must Have WordPress Plugins for Affiliate Marketing

WordPress is one of the easiest solutions to set-up a blog free and you can earn as much as you want from this blog by Affiliate Marketing. People use this content management system (WordPress) because it’s easy to customize by using WordPress Plugins for Affiliate Marketing  and though you can monetize your blog by Affiliate Marketing easily. Now-a-days, affiliate marketing is one of the popular and easy ways to monetize your blog and you can make a lot of money by affiliate marketing.


As WordPress is user friendly so anyone can set-up an affiliate marketing blog easily using the WordPress platform. If you want to earn a lot of money from affiliate marketing using the WordPress platform, then you should make your blog/site user friendly so that people as well as search engine find your blog easily. So you can use some essential WordPress plugins to monetize your blog easily by affiliate marketing. These plugins help you to make money from your blog quickly and easily and also helps your blog visitor to find your affiliate product easily.

So here I suggest Top 6 must have WordPress plugins for affiliate marketing blog.

1. Pretty Link

Pretty link is certainly useful and must have plugins for your affiliate marketing blog. This plugin helps you to make shorter your affiliate link and also helps you to hide affiliate link from your visitor. There is a free version and the pro – version available of this plugin and you can use the free version for your blog. This plugin converts your affiliate link in such way it looks like your own blog link. You can also make your affiliate link no follow so that your page juice cannot pass to the affiliate site.

To install this plugin Go to your blog Dashboard then click plugins and then click Add New. Search using the word pretty link and install and active it. You can also download the plugin from here (Link).

When you download and active it, then you see Pretty Link in your blog Dashboard. Go to Pretty link and click Add new link. Here you see some option, 1st is Target URL which is your affiliate link and 2nd Is Pretty link which is visible on your blog. You can make you pretty link anything but remember that it should be your affiliate product related such as your affiliate product is a WordPress Theme then you can use such a link like You can also make your affiliate link no follow from here. This plugin helps you to track your affiliate link click.


2. Amazon Auto Links

This is a simple amazing WordPress plugin for you if you are an affiliate marketer of Amazon. You can easily install this plugin in your blog and configure it. This plugin will give you advantage to link your Amazon product without going to the Amazon affiliate website. You can also show Amazon products on your WordPress blog by category. It’s easy to use; just install the plugin and active it, then setting your Amazon affiliate id with this plugin. There is also free and paid version of this plugin available and you can use the free version.

3. Duplicator

Duplicator is one of the important plugin for the people who want to create a lot of affiliate marketing blogs in a short period of time. When you install WordPress in first time, then you need to customize your WordPress blog by changing theme, creating menu, installing plugins and many more. But you can create a WordPress blog easily using Duplicator plugin. If you have an affiliate marketing blog then you can easily copy your blog and create a new blog easily. You can also create backup and move your blog from one host to another host easily using Duplicator.

4. Pinterest Plugin

Pinterest is one of the popular Social Networking Site which is really important for affiliate marketing. You can easily move traffic from Pinterest by pin your blog image to Pinterest. You can easily make people interested about your affiliate product by pin your affiliate product image in Pinterest.  Using Pinterest plugin anyone can pin your blog image to Pinterest with default image title, caption and page/post URL.

5. P3 – Plugin Performance Profiler

This is simply known as P3 profiler plugin which is another important plugin for your blog. For various reasons, you need to install and use a lot of plugins in your blog, but you probably don’t know that some plugins are harmful for your blog and they reduce your blog loading time which is really important for your blog. Using this plugin you can find this plugin which decreases your blog load time and you simply remove this plugin to boost your blog load time. Just install this plugin and scan plugin.


6. WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO is one of the important SEO plugin for WordPress blog/site. If you want to a huge amount of traffic from a search engine then you should install and use this plugin for your blog. Using this plugin you can easily insert Meta Description, Focusing Keywords to your blog page or post which is really important for SEO. You can also create a robots.txt file for your blog using this plugin.

Now Your Turn

Want make more money from your blog with affiliate marketing? If yes, then you can use all of the above WordPress plugins for Affiliate Marketing Blog to monetize your blog easily. There are also many more plugins which are helpful for an affiliate marketing blog, but I think these are very important.

So if I make any mistake to select must have plugins for an affiliate marketing blog then let me know by commenting below.

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  1. Cialis
  2. Fakharuddin Manik

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