Seeking Ways to Expedite Your WP Site Loading – Top 5 Plugins for Your Consideration

Everyone wants to run an impressive and engaging website. And, the popular platform like WordPress offers an overwhelming list of plugins and themes from which one can embed a desired function and visual appeal by seeking a suitable plugin and theme. However, while enhancing the features of a site people usually end up leaving a sluggish website. This will not only make it hard for new visitors to access your site, but you are most likely to lose your loyal customers due to the considerable amount of site loading time.

Let’s explore the significance of optimized loading speed in the success of a website.

Loading speed of a website plays a crucial role in its success. Firstly, the loading time consumed by a website is considered by search engine bots while indexing the results. A fast loading website has more probability of getting a better rank than a slow loading site. Secondly, it has been observed that web users and especially the mobile users are quite impatient. Analytics have shown that if a site is consuming over 4 seconds to load, the likelihood is that its potential traffic will abandon the site, thus impacting the website bounce rate. Therefore, it can be said that a high loading adversely affects your businesses while delivering a poor UX.

Having said that, it would be worth to learn the best practices that can help keep such flaws at bay and ensure a remarkable performance.

Fortunately, WordPress support a plethora of plugins that can help you improve your site UX by making it load with a blazingly fast speed. Without any further ado, let’s distill the proficient WP plugins that can help deliver incredible performance by optimizing the loading speed.

  1. Speed Booster Pack

When your visitors land on your site, you have only a few seconds to entice them and grab their attention. For this, loading speed is very crucial. Thus, it is best to test your web page speed beforehand. If you want to rev up your web page loading speed and get a great score on the speed tests via proficient tools like Gtmetrix, Pingdom, Google PageSpeed, and etc., the Speed Booster Pack is a fabulous plugin that delivers outstanding results. Speed Booster Pack

  1. W3 Total Cache

You can store the static version of your site on the server by caching your web pages. The resource intensive web content, including CSS, JavaScript and images, add greatly to the loading time and thus, it is better to use cache so these are not required to load from scratch each time a visitor refreshes or lands on your web page; and if your site hardly introduces any change, caching would be very beneficial. W3 Total Cache is a popular plugin that offers astonishing performance by caching once and displaying the static version every the request for the page to the server is made. This complete process saves a time, memory and most importantly improves the website speed. w3-total-cache-plugin

  1. WP Smush

Compressed images, videos and other media can save a lot of loading time as bulky images consumes relatively a large amount of time to load and extra resources on the servers. Thus, by optimizing the images appropriately, you can reduce a considerable amount of load time as it will reduce the wastage of resources. WP Smush It

With WordPress, an image editor comes built-in that facilitates one to crop an image in a desired size. However, dealing with a physical file size is not an easy pie. To resolve this issue proficiently, image compression is a solution. You can get your website images compressed without leaving the image quality behind by using the WP Smush plugin. This plugin auto compresses the images to ensure an efficient page loading speed.

  1. WP Optimize

WordPress automatically saves every period in the database. While there are several benefits of this feature, there is also a drawback. This feature of WP stashes extraneous info like revisions, trashed items, unapproved comments, and so forth in the database. To eradicate this disadvantage, you may use the WP-optimize plugin that has been developed to optimize the database and regularly perform the cleanups to get rid of the unwanted info. Although, this plugin will remove all the unnecessary and irrelevant files, it must not be trusted blindly. For this reason, it is always recommended to take a backup of your database prior to implementing this plugin. WP Optimize

  1. Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening

Bugs and other malware can also slow down the website loading speed. Since, there exists a plethora of malware that are really hard to detect, one must use a prolific tool to determine any malicious code on the site. Securi Security offers a brilliant result by auditing the security activities, scanning remote malware, monitoring file integrity and efficiently acting upon post-hack security. Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening

Get these plugins installed on your WordPress website and experience the change. These plugins will not only allow you to speedup site loading time, but also help you magnificently improve your site performance and heighten UX.

Author Bio:

Juana Steves is a creative writer, who brings to the table a measure of knowledge and creative writing skills. She works for Xicom Technologies – a leading offshore software development company and hire software developer from Xicom.

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  1. Dinesh Verma

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